January 31, 2012

NOT World Peace

No matter how deep my sorrow, how confusing my path, how afraid I am, or overwhelmed by life in general, I have deep, inner peace in my heart and mind. But I didn't find it from the things of this wonderful world, our beautiful Planet Earth. Jesus told the disciples to listen to Him closely and not forget what He was telling them. He promised to give them a GIFT - the GIFT of peace in their hearts and minds.

I can't explain how the PRINCE OF PEACE did that.

But He did and still does...

No matter what I've been through, the storms of my life (and there's been many the past seven years), there is always that unmistakeable presence and peace of God resting in my soul, cheering me on, giving me hope. I much rather prefer His GIFT that never ends. Even when the most awesome experiences, or beautiful or fun, or cutest, or breathtaking things of this wonderful world push to replace it.

Nothing can.

What are you doing now to find that peace? If you pray and truly connect with God's most precious Son, you will not be disappointed, you will not come up empty, you will be satisfied.

Peace to all my family, friends and readers. I welcome your stories and comments.


Marilyn xo